Free wash palettes – A Gentlemanly Sport

Free wash palettes – A Gentlemanly Sport

While I was adding some washes into my beer bottle lids, as my free wash palettes, I was just thinking about which hobby shortcut I should do next.

And here it is: free re-usable beer bottle lid wash palettes! Up-cycling at its best.

The size is perfect for your mini painting needs. Of course they only make sense if you use washes in dropper bottles, like the ones from the Army Painter range. You can use the GW washes straight from the pot. But beware the dreaded spilling issue! If you’re like me, beer bottle lids are an endless resource. You might of course prefer coke or other sugar based non-alcoholic beverages. And that’s perfectly fine. As long as you open your bottle carefully enough to not bend the lid, you’ve just made yourself the perfect wash palette. Completely for free!

Free wash palettes
Peels right off.

Once the remaining wash has fully dried inside the lid, you can simply peel away the dried wash and re-use the lids again. There has to be a special coating on these that prevents washes from sticking to them. This works with washes and inks for me. Regular paint sticks permanently to my beer bottle lids.

Maybe this post is a bit redundant, since it’s a commonly used method by miniature painters, but still, it’s a technique that works for me. I even carry beer bottle lids in my portable paint kit!
