AWI – Battle of Hobrick Hill SC 1781 Page 2

More text End Page 2 Text Return to Page 1The post AWI – Battle of Hobrick Hill SC 1781 Page 2 first appeared on The...

Portable Travel Pocket BATTLETECH – A Gentlemanly Sport

For a while now, I’ve been tinkering with a portable/travel/pocket sized BATTLETECH game. Not that I would need it now. It’s a mere  experiment...

Palouse Wargaming Journal: Battle of Azukizaka, 1542

Another day, another Samurai battle!  After having fought through several iterations of the 1572 Mikata Ga Hara Samurai battle, the collection remains out on...

Stop printing miniatures with your 3D printer

By now pretty much every one has heard of 3D printing, and because you’re probably involved in this hobby even own your own or...

Three Ages of Rome and The Battle of Piranthus

It was good to get the ancients stuff out again. They haven't seen much action in the last couple of years. For those not...

Farscape – 25 Years On.

Not a wargaming post, but so what?25 years ago the SF series Farscape started its run. Originally on a satellite channel it came to...

Craig’s Wargaming Blog: Trip of a lifetime

 For several years now my wife and I had been planning to bike the French Way of the Camino de Santiago across Spain from Roncesvalles...

XIV Legion Baggage Train – Rod’s Wargaming

Roman Legions famously built a Marching Camp every night during their campaigns. In order to do that they needed to to have a...

28mm Swiss Line Infantry for the Neapolitian Army 1848

This is the second unit that I've painted for my Neapolitan  (Kingdom of the two Sicilies) army for my Risorgimento project. The Swiss line...

Wargaming Girl: Salute 2024 – The Games (Lots..and lots…and lots of pics)

As promised yesterday, here are the photos I took of all* the games.* I may have missed someI will apologise in advance for the...

Atlantic Chase Review – The Raft

I’ve never really been into board wargames. Sure, there are a number I enjoy, like Maria or the Commands & Colors series, but I...

On the Workbench: Punic Wars

Some decent headway has been made this year on the Trebia project. Plenty yet to paint but these are the latest on the painting...

JJ’s Wargames: The Battle of Borodino, 7th September 1812

Panorama of Borodino by Franz Roubaud.As we all know wargaming and wargamers, is and are, very much about the social side of our hobby,...