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Version 33.7 of AmiArcadia for AmigaOS 4, a Signetics-based machines emulator, has been released by James Jacobs.
According to the documentation, AmiArcadia supports the following systems:
- Emerson Arcadia 2001 console family (Bandai, Emerson, Grandstand, Intervision, Leisure-Vision, Leonardo, MPT-03, Ormatu, Palladium, Poppy, Robdajet, Tele-Fever, Tempest, Tryom, Tunix, etc.) (c. 1982);
- Interton VC 4000 console family (Acetronic, Cabel, Fountain, Hanimex, Interton, Prinztronic, Radofin, Rowtron, Soundic, Voltmace, Waddingtons, etc.) (c. 1978);
- Elektor TV Games Computer (1979);
- PIPBUG- and BINBUG-based machines (EA 77up2, EA 78up5, Signetics Adaptable Board Computer, Eurocard 2650, etc.) (1977-1978);
- Signetics Instructor 50 trainer (1978);
- Signetics TWIN minicomputer (1976);
- Central Data 2650 computer (1977);
- PHUNSY computer (c. 1980);
- Ravensburger Selbstbaucomputer aka 2650 Minimal Computer trainer (1984);
- Hofacker MIKIT 2650 trainer (1978);
- Astro Wars, Galaxia, Laser Battle and Lazarian coin-ops by Zaccaria (1979-1981);
- Malzak 1 and 2 coin-ops by Kitronix (c. 1981);
- AY-3-8500/8550/8600-based Pong systems (Coleco Telstar Galaxy, Sheen TVG-201, etc.) (1976-1977);
- VTech Type-right machine (1985)
It is packed with features, far too many to list here. Examples include ReAction GUI, load/save snapshots, and windowed and fullscreen modes. Other features are CPU tracing, trainer, and drag and drop support. Additionally, it offers graphics scaling, PAL/NTSC modes, and frame skipping, among many other features!
Here is an overview of the changes since the last release:
Changes since V33.6:
- Improved AOF file format support.
- Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
- incorporated Samir’s latest Italian translation.
- arcadia,galaxia: fixed: screen editor was not taking per-row/column scrolling into account.
- fixed: recent files list was not sorted properly and could have duplicates in some situations.
- wa,os4: recent files list now shows per-game glyphs.
- aa: fixed: when auditing, if the path couldn’t be locked, it was never going back to the normal mouse pointer.
- wa: now uses busy mouse pointer while auditing.
- wa: now disallows ctrl+hover feature in 3D mode.
- wa: screen editor: now disallows setting cursor position via mouse in 3D mode.
- wa: 3d mode: now user can zoom in/out using ctrl+home/end.
- pipbug: now inserts a delay after each pasted CR so that eg. microworld basic has time to process the input.
- aa: twin,tr: fixed: pasting of text was not being allowed.
- selbst: fixed: pasting of text was not being allowed.
- pipbug: added autosense support for benchmark and mandelbrot programs.
- pipbug: now when loading basic programs, doesn’t press the ENTER button for the user after the RUN command.
- pipbug,binbug,cd2650,selbst,mikit: added autosense support for AOF files.
- deprecated PGM/PRO format (incl. assembler now generates AOFs instead of PGMs, etc.).
- debugger: SAVEAOF,SAVEHEX commands: now adds CR+LF to end of last line.
- debugger: SAVEAOF,SAVEEOF,SAVETVC: filename argument is now optional.
- debugger: removed SAVEPGM command (format is deprecated).
- fixed: some debugger commands were not listed in all catalogs/manual.
- fixed: audit subwin: wrong numbers for icons, directories and unknown files were being shown.
- phunsy: mini-monitor BINs can now be loaded.
- selbst: removed BIN support (these games are supported as AOFs now).
- aa: various improvements and fixes to icon generation.
- elektor: fixed: loading of EOF files was broken.
- elektor: added TVCs for all remaining games/apps.
- elektor: added overlay for eprom programmer.
- binbug: now autoruns BASIC programs.
AmiArcadia is free to download. You can get it from OS4Depot via the link below:
Here are the links to the websites of the author:
Thanks again for visiting the Old School Game Blog. Hope you enjoyed the read. 🙂
Have a great day!