Some interesting bits and pieces have just been added to KT Miniatures website today and are now available to purchase.
Unusual wooden piano with metal candle holders, dates from early 1900s/Edwardian era.
c1920s/30s Art Deco German Miniature Brush & Hand Mirror set. The embossed Art Deco pattern on the back of each piece really is just lovely and the brushes have real bristles.
Vintage toy metal mangle with rotating wooden rollers by REMANCO – great fun! My grandma had a real life size one of these in her backyard, when I was growing up.
A c1920s/30s German Boy Doll, in replacement clothing made by previous owner, who happened to be a theatre costume designer! Lovely doll.
c1930s Tri-ang Queen Anne Bed with original mattress.
Really lovely vintage tin coal box & shovel, along with miniature embroidered fire screen. These came together so am keeping them together, they compliment each other nicely.
These are just some of the various old miniatures that have gone up for sale today. Click on following link to view all these and more: